1. Insuring Associations

Specialized Insurance

We specialize in insuring associations. Most insurance agencies sell all kinds of insurance to any type of business or person that wants to buy it. That is the standard model. We don’t do standard.

Whether it was a result of never being chosen for the dodgeball team in high school or just a general love of that which is unique, we try to be DIFFERENT. In starting Blue Lime we set out to specialize in a specific area and be really good at it.


Jack of ONE Trade.

We aren’t generalists. You don’t buy insurance just to have a sheet of paper. You want coverage for the things that matter. Our company only sells association related insurance. That allows us to focus on and be very familiar with the risks and needs specific to this industry. Not only does that benefit your board and your association by getting policies and service tailored to your needs, it also allows your manager more time to do their job.

2. Coverage and Carriers

Coverage and Carriers

Our job is to foster relationships with carriers that write in this specific industry so you get access to some of the top coverage options. Because our focus is only on associations we aren’t having to juggle relationships with carriers in multiple industries and we are familiar with the types of policies you need, the proper entity classifications, and the carriers that understand this space.


We have the time and limited focus to work with carriers on specially tailored coverage developed just for associations. Many associations unknowingly make the mistake of buying generic business or non profit coverage versus policies created specific to associations. We guide you through the process of finding insurance that isn’t simply a generic business policy that wastes your money on coverage you don’t need.

For instance, we have clients that were paying for executive kidnapping coverage. Another association was paying for employee benefits coverage when they have no employees. Quite often we see associations over paying due to misclassification of the type of entity that is being insured and clients with coverage for significantly less than or more than the actual number of homes in their association. We believe many of these errors occur because the agent is a generalist, writing all types of commercial insurance.

3. Claims: When insurance matters

Fast Claims

When you have a claim, we believe that is when you need your agent most. Often, when a claim occurs, associations find themselves passed off from the agent to an unrelated 1-800 claims center with the insurance carrier. That isn’t cool.

We make it easy to submit a claim (with pictures, if applicable) through our online portal. Then, we work hard on your behalf to quickly get you an answer on whether the claim is covered.


No one wakes up and says – “Guess what I get to do today? Go bind an insurance policy for my association.” (If you love doing this we recommend you set up an appointment to see your doctor immediately.) We make getting insurance, filing a claim, creating reports to the board, and responding to owner certificate requests an easier and faster process.  We think this ends up benefitting you as a board at the end of the day. Things get done faster, your manager is happier, and you stay informed.

  • Many of our carriers provide blanket property form coverage. Instead of scheduled property coverage which provides you with separate limits for each piece of property you insure, blanket form coverage allows you to insure all property for one total amount. Without blanket coverage you could get in a heap of a mess.
  • Monthly payments: We understand cash flow is important to associations.  With Blue Lime you can make monthly payments*, allowing the association to better budget for this expense throughout the year.
  • We have built our systems around ease of use for your manager. If you are a self managed association, then the same applies to the person on the board handling insurance.

*Monthly payments require an approved premium finance agreement. Payments include principal and interest. Not all clients may qualify. See agent for offer, details, and terms. Statements on this website as to policies and coverages and other content provide general information only and we provide no warranty as to their accuracy for your specific policy. Clients should consult with their licensed agent as to how these coverages pertain to their individual situation. No binder, insurance policy, change, addition, and/or deletion to insurance coverage goes into effect unless and until confirmed directly with a licensed agent. Note any proposal of insurance we may present to you will be based upon the values developed and exposures to loss disclosed to us on this online form/application and/or in communications with us. All coverages are subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the actual policy issued. Not all policies or coverages are available in every state. Information provided on this website does not constitute professional advice. If you have legal, tax or financial planning questions, you need to contact a qualified professional.